Policies & Guidelines
Policies and Guidelines for Royal Village
Ensuring Every Resident in Our Community is Safe and Happy
In order to have a neat, clean and attractive community that we can all be proud of, the management has set forth the following guidelines for living that residents and their guests shall uphold. These are a part of your lease.
- Management has the right to approve or reject the type, size, and appearance before admittance or resale.
- The resident shall be responsible and pay for any damages caused by all occupants of the home or guests.
- Streets are for motor vehicle use only.
- Discharge of firearms, bow and arrows, or other weapons are not allowed in the community. Hunting or trapping, etc., will not be permitted in the community.
- Occupancy standards must meet local municipality requirements. Local municipality occupancy requirements must be adhered to at all times.
- One above-ground commercially manufactured fire pit is allowed if it meets local municipal requirements.
If the lessee plans to sell the home and have it remain in the community:
- a. The tenant must first notify the landlord that they wish the home to remain in the community. Notification is required at least 45 days before the sale.
- b. In addition, an exterior inspection of the home and site shall be conducted by the community management that includes, but is not limited to: skirting, steps, shed, awnings, and the exterior condition of the home and yard. This inspection is to be requested at the time of notification.
- c. All repairs or changes which are found necessary as a result of the inspection must be completed 15 days prior to the sale of the home. In the event any repair is found not to be satisfactory, the landlord reserves the right to require the work be done by a qualified contractor.
- d. After the inspection has been completed and the home is found to be satisfactory, the tenant shall receive from the community management a letter stating that the home is qualified for resale. The processing of the prospective purchaser/tenant will not be initiated until this letter is provided.
- e. The tenant has the responsibility to have the purchaser of the tenant’s home fill out and file with the landlord an Application for Rental Agreement and Register at least 15 days before final approval will be given.
- f. The current tenant’s rent account must be paid in full prior to the landlord entering into a lease agreement with the new approved tenant.
- g. After the application has been approved, the purchaser must sign a new lease and pay in full the security deposit and all rent and charges otherwise due.
If you plan to sell the home but have it removed from the premises:
- a. You must notify the manager a minimum of 28 days in advance in writing, and specify the date of removal and the parties who will be removing the home.
- b. The home must be moved by a licensed installer with community approval. The mover must provide proof of liability insurance.
Only one commercially manufactured “for sale” sign may be used. It may be displayed from the interior of the front window and may not exceed 14″x18″. It will not be permitted to be left up unless the home is actively being solicited for sale.
- The resident shall not in any way attach additions, lean-tos, sheds, cabanas, or enclosures to their home except by written approval from the landlord. Completion of a Building Permit Application will be required, along with blueprints or drawings of any additions before their approval.
- No fences of any kind may be put up by the resident without prior written permission and submission and approval of a building permit. It is further recognized some fences may already exist and are “Grandfathered” but may be required to be removed upon a Change of Ownership or for failure to maintain it in a neat, orderly, and safe manner.
- Alterations shall not be made to the community site of the service facilities or components thereof without first receiving written permission from the management:
The care and condition of each community site is the tenant’s responsibility unless otherwise noted. Lawns must be both mowed and trimmed a minimum of once per week, or more if necessary. Any shrubs must be maintained by the tenant. If it becomes necessary for management to mow lawns, clean up unsightly rubbish, etc., maintenance charges will apply (see lease for charges). Repeated forced mowings could result in a mandatory lawn care program at a price determined by the lawn care contract plus administrative fees.
- a. Trees, shrubs, and flowers may be planted only after receiving prior consent from the landlord. The tenant agrees they will become part of the real estate and must remain on the site at the termination of the lease. The landlord shall not be responsible for damage to any plants, shrubs, or lawns caused by moving a home on or off any site. Before planting any trees or shrubs, please contact your local underground utility location servicer. There are many utilities underground, which would present a hazard if hit. This also includes garages or any other proposed alterations of the premises.
- b. Trees that are not approved for planting in the community include but are not limited to willow, cottonwood, ash, silver maple, sumac, and poplar. Tree trimming on or around owned homes is the homeowner’s responsibility, and any proposed tree removal is at the discretion and permission of management and will be recorded in writing.
- c. Bird feeders that are damaged or not in use must be removed immediately. No items can be affixed or hung from trees.
- d. Gardens: Approval from the community management must be obtained first in writing if you should decide to plant a garden. The approved size will be dependent upon the measurements and layout of your lot, not to exceed 10′ x 10′. Gardens must be located behind your shed or in the back of your home, depending on instruction from the office. Compost piles are not allowed. Fencing around any gardens must be approved in writing and built with approved materials only. All plants and fencing should be removed after the growing season.
- e. Landscaping items such as lawnmowers, snowblowers, and tractors must be stored in your shed, garage, or off-street view at all times.
- Covers for cars, air conditioners, grills, motorcycles must be commercially designed for those specific items. They also must be a neutral color of black, brown, or gray. Tarps can be used only with prior approval from management for the home site. They must be a neutral color, i.e., black, brown, or gray.
- If the resident causes damage to the utilities, including the electrical pedestal, receptacles, television, telephone cables or pedestals, gas, water and sewer pipes, etc., the resident will be held responsible for paying for repairs. The resident is also responsible and must pay for damage to property and structures such as signposts, mailboxes, lawns, etc., if the damage was caused by the resident or the resident’s guest.
- The resident shall be responsible for properly installing the manufactured home as dictated by the manufacturer’s installation manual and all utility connections.
- No storage of any item is permitted on patios or exterior areas surrounding the home except patio furniture or other patio-related items.
- Before driving any rods, posts, or like materials into the ground, check with your local underground utility location servicer as to the location of underground utilities.
- Trespassing on other residents’ sites is not allowed without their expressed permission.
- Each home must have the address displayed clearly on the exterior. If the community has a standard number, letter, size, or location, that will be the only allowable type of address. If there is no standard, any commercially produced number or letter would be acceptable, providing it is proportional in size with the norm in the community.
- No painting or decorating of any concrete walks or patios.
- Window air conditioner units must be installed with supports attached to the home, not by posts to the ground.
- Do not install insulation in your windows. Any materials designed as an additional storm window or weatherization must be secured on the inside of the home, not visible from the outside. Tape, plastic, and insulation, which can be seen on the exterior of the home, are not allowed.
- Windows must be decorated with commercially designed window treatments, i.e., curtains, draperies, blinds, etc. Bath or beach towels, blankets, flags, bedsheets, or other similar materials will not be accepted as window coverings.
- Commercially designed lawn furniture is allowed for outside use. No furniture designed for interior use will be allowed. Furniture should be stored away during the off-season.
- Any lawn decorations, lawn ornaments, or flags must be commercially produced and tastefully decorate your home site. The landlord, at his own discretion, may refuse any decorations deemed untasteful.
- Outdoor holiday decorations must be removed no more than three weeks after the holiday.
- All hitches must be removed after arrival in the community.
- Any murals or expressions of art on exteriors of garages, sheds, or homes must be submitted with a building permit and approved by the landlord prior to initiation.
- If any entrance to the home is designed for two doors, there must be two doors at all times, i.e., inside the door and outside storm or combination door.
- If a home has a wood burner or fireplace, from October 1st to April 15th, no more than two face cords of firewood may be stacked neatly on the site. From April 16th to September 30th, no more than one face cord can be stacked on the site. Whenever possible, it should be out of view from the street. All wood must be pre-cut before it is delivered to your site.
- In the event of a fire, wind, or other causes of damage to the home or any of the tenant’s property on the home site, the tenant is responsible for debris removal within a reasonable period as deemed by the landlord. If debris is allowed to remain, the landlord may have it removed at his option. The debris removal fee will be charged accordingly to current hourly rates, plus any refuse container fees as billed by them, plus potential Administrative Fees for processing.
- The resident will be expected to paint the skirting or any skirting that was installed prior, except vinyl skirting. Skirting must be well maintained and broken pieces replaced.
- Hay bales, bags of leaves, or any other materials may not be placed around the skirting.
- Residents are responsible for providing properly installed heat tape on their service line and meter. If the meter freezes and breaks, the expense to have the meter replaced is the responsibility of the resident.
- Materials foreign to normal toilet usage, such as disposable diapers, paper towels, napkins, feminine hygiene products, etc., shall not be placed in the toilets or drains.
- If sewers become plugged and any foreign items listed above are found, the resident will be responsible for any charges related to the repair/restoration of the sewer line.
- Residents are responsible for the maintenance of plumbing to prevent and repair leaks in faucets, water lines, and toilets.
- Garbage cans and/or proper plastic containers must comply with local Health Department Codes. All containers must be kept in a shed or garage if available or at the rear of the resident’s home site, completely out of sight.
- Garbage cans must be kept covered and not allowed to overflow. All trash must be placed in a receptacle for collection.
- Do not set your garbage out to the curb for collection until late the evening before or early on the day of collection. On windy days, anchor lightweight refuse and recyclables.
- No burning of debris at any time.
- If your community has recycling containers, store the separate containers in your shed, garage, or out of sight.
- A building permit must be submitted before any structure can be installed. Only one storage building per site is allowed. If you are interested in building a new utility building/garage on your site, you must first submit detailed plans to the management for approval. A building permit from your local municipality must be obtained before any construction begins. The size of your site will dictate what structures will be allowed.
- A base of concrete, cement slab, or gravel must be provided for the shed to rest on. This will depend on local codes.
- All sheds shall be securely anchored to the base ground.
- No used sheds may be brought on the premises unless prior approval in writing is given by management.
- If you plan to have a shed or garage built, you must use new materials, and submit a plan to the community office for inspection and approval. We do not allow materials such as flakeboard, wafer board, particleboard, or blandex as exterior siding. The materials used must be designed for residential exterior use. It must be vinyl-sided with a pitched shingle roof. All siding, trim, and roofing materials must be identical to the colors and materials used on the home. The roof must be shingled with regular house-type roof shingles.
- The resident must keep buildings well maintained, including paint, siding, windows, and roofs.
- Driveways, garage slabs, and foundations become community property and are not allowed to be removed from the premises should the resident decide to relocate. Not all sites are conducive to garage construction. Added driveways must be the same as the existing drives to maintain a proper cosmetic appearance. All additions require prior written approval by management.
- If a carport, whether attached or freestanding, has more than two sides, a garage door on the end facing the road will be required.
- All unpainted material, i.e., brick molding, garage or shed trim, etc., must be painted within 30 days of construction completion.
- Any adverse effect of drainage due to new construction by the resident will be corrected at the Resident’s expense.
- Doors on storage buildings and garages must be kept closed when not in use.
- All decks or steps must be treated lumber, sealed or stained a coordinating color to match the home, and adequately maintained when needed.
- All decks and steps must comply with local building codes.
- No signs without prior community approval are allowed in the yard. This includes “For Sale” and “Yard Sale” signs.
- Political signs may be displayed during election time only and are to be removed promptly after the election is decided.
- If playground equipment or pools are allowed in your specific community, you must submit a plan for prior written approval with management as to the details and location before installing it. Management reserves the right to reject the condition of equipment and require its removal if it has not been authorized. No trampolines, tires, or swings in trees are allowed. If you are considering the installation of playground equipment or a swimming pool larger than a wading pool, you must first:
- a. Submit a plan to management listing the dimensions of the equipment or the pool, along with a brochure showing what it will look like when complete.
- b. Pools must have a safety cover designed specifically for the pool and be securely kept on the pool when not in use.
- c. The ladder to the pool must be removed when the pool is not in use.
- d. Local ordinances must be checked before installing a pool.
- e. The tenant must provide the landlord with indemnification from the tenant’s insurance company for any playground equipment and swimming pools prior to installation.
- f. Lawn damage by swimming pools must be repaired by the tenant.
- g. Pools must be dismantled and removed by October 1st and emptied each night to avoid mosquito issues.
- h. Playground equipment may not be used for storage.
- i. It is recognized that some communities may have “Grandfathered” items. Those must have documented Management Approval and are subject to removal upon Change of Ownership of the home or due to improper care/upkeep.
If your community has a storage compound facility, snowmobiles, campers, trailers, and boats must be stored in this compound except for motorcycles. These compounds are to be used for seasonal recreational vehicles only. They are not to be used to store fish (ice) shanties, unlicensed, inoperative, unused cars and trucks, or equipment of any kind. These items cannot be stored on your home site. Management reserves the right to charge an additional fee for storing recreational vehicles at your site if a seasonal storage area is not available. It is recognized that this may not apply to all communities.
- Motorbikes, snowmobiles, mini-bikes, ATVs, and similar recreational vehicles may not be ridden in the Community, around your home, empty sites, or any property owned by Community at any time.
- Utility trailers, snowmobiles, campers, and boats are not allowed to be stored on-site unless they are kept in a shed or garage.
- All recreational vehicles kept in the compound facility must be registered with the management. Management reserves the right to refuse items for storage. Proper registration and identification must be kept on item(s) in storage at all times and parked in the assigned space only. Off-road motorcycles, mini-bikes, ATVs, etc., shall be kept in the shed or garage.
- The resident or his guests shall drive in and out of the community in a careful, prudent manner and on the proper side of the road, obeying road signs. All residents and guests must obey posted speed limits at all times.
- Residents shall park their automobiles in the designated spaces. There is absolutely no parking in the streets unless the community has been approved to do so by local ordinances. NOTE: Parking in the streets must, without exception, park with the traffic flow. During times of snow, nobody should park on the roads. Management is not liable for damages caused to cars parked on the streets. All responsibility falls upon the owner of the vehicle.
- All vehicles must be in operable condition and display a current license plate.
- Repainting, overhauling, or changing oil, etc., is not permitted in streets or sites. Damage resulting from petroleum or any other vehicle fluid spillage/leaks will be billed to the tenant. If you are changing a tire, the vehicle cannot be on jacks unless an adult is present. Jacks must be removed immediately afterward.
- No delivery trucks, semi-trailers, or similarly sized vehicles can be parked in the community (van and pickups accepted).
- Driving or parking vehicles or recreational vehicles on lawns for any reason is absolutely prohibited.
- Fish (ice) shanties or other similar items are not allowed in the community.
- All motorized vehicles operated in the community must be licensed and operated by a licensed driver.
- Residents must notify the landlord in the event of a change in vehicles giving a complete description of the new vehicle. The number of vehicles to be kept at the site must remain the same as the tenant’s application for rental agreement unless prior written approval is approved by the landlord.
Tents should not remain up for an extended period of time that could cause damage to the lawn. Any damage to the lawn must be repaired by the tenant. Tents are allowed to be aired out for 24 hours but are not to be used for any other purpose. Canopies are for temporary use and should be removed/taken down when not in use.
- Tents and canopies must be in good condition, not faded, torn, etc.
- Management reserves the right to refuse any tent or canopy deemed undesirable.
- All pets must be approved and registered by the community prior to obtaining the pet. Some communities may have size limitations. Please see management for more details. Monthly fees for dogs and/or cats are as follows: $25 per month with no more than a total of 2 pets per household (some communities may vary). Aggressive dogs or dogs that display aggressive behavior include but are not limited to: Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Pit Bull, Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweiler, Huskies, Chows, Wolf Breeds or any mix thereof will not be permitted into the community. The landlord reserves the right to permit or disallow any pet into the community. All dogs, regardless of size, must be photographed by the community manager prior to moving into the community or when the pet is acquired.
- All animals must be confined to your site only unless being walked by the resident, occupants or guests.
- Pets may not run loose. They must be on a leash no longer than six (6) feet long or held by the resident, occupants, or guest anytime the pet is outside to include those communities with permitted fences. Fencing does not preclude the leash requirements. Failure to comply will result in the loss of pet privileges and may include termination of your Lease Agreement.
- “Beware of Dog” signage is strictly prohibited.
- Noisy or unruly pets or those that cause quality of life complaints are subject to removal from the community.
- Pets are not allowed to be tied up or tethered outside for any reason.
- Pet feces is to be confined to your lot and must be picked up daily. Please refrain from walking pets in any playground or play areas and always clean up after your pet when walking it in the community.
- All dogs and cats are subject to the local pet ordinances, including licensing provisions. You must contact your local clerk to obtain a license for your pet. All pets must be current on vaccinations. Feeding of strays is prohibited and is subject to trapping, removal, and possible monthly charges per the pet policy and termination of the Lease Agreement.
- The resident is responsible for their visitor/guest animals to ensure that they conform to the animal rules. Management must approve visitation in writing.
- External animal enclosures, i.e., dog houses, kennels, pet fences, etc., are not permitted.
- Management must be informed in writing when a pet is no longer in the household to terminate the next month’s pet fees. Back pet fees will not be credited if you fail to properly report the removal or loss of a pet.
- Management reserves the right to require the removal of any antennas or similar equipment that causes a problem.
- External devices or receivers designed to pick up or transmit television, internet, and/or radio signals are permitted in the Community with prior approval. Management reserves the right to determine where said devices are placed on the home/site.
- Surveillance or recording devices must meet local ordinances.
- Snow plowing typically begins in the early morning. One lane will be cleared in time for most residents departing for work. This is subject to change based on the timing of snowfall. The residents’ responsibility is to keep their driveways and sidewalks clear of snow.
- The plow will typically concentrate on one street at a time. Cars plowed in must be shoveled out by the owner. (NOTE: The above, though informational in format, is considered part of the specific rules and regulations.)
All person(s) will be required to observe local ordinances regarding night time curfews.
The landlord shall not be responsible for any damage or injury, whether to person, property, or otherwise, resulting from or caused by:
- Fire, theft, and elements, falling trees, or limbs of trees, falling power lines, water, snow, ice, structures themselves, or any other types of damage over which the landlord has no control.
- Anything done, caused, or suffered from being done, or omitted to be done by the tenant, and/or agents or employees of the tenant, or any other person on the community property whether by invitation or license of the tenant or otherwise.
- The items covered herein are a majority of areas typically addressed. However, for any situations not covered, the management reserves the right to make an informed decision to determine the validity of the issue or concern and take action or make decisions accordingly.
Seasonal Stay(NE)/Annual Monthly
- All monies paid towards seasonal reservations are non-refundable
Transient Stays of 30 Days or More
- If canceled 30 days prior to arrival date, payment in full will be refunded less a $25.00 processing fee.
- If canceled less than 30 days prior to arrival date, total amount paid will be forfeited
Weekly/Daily Stays
- If canceled less than 7 days prior – full amount paid will be forfeited
- If canceled 8-14 days prior to arrival – 50% of payment will be refunded
- If canceled 15 or more days prior to arrival date – full amount paid less a $25.00 processing fee will be refunded.
No shows will result in forfeiture of the entire amount paid.
- Management reserves the right to utilize the site for another guest
All refunds which were originally paid by credit card, must be processed to the original credit card used for payment.
- If the original credit card used is no longer active: Guest must provide proof that the credit card has been canceled.
All refunds that were originally paid by check or cash will be refunded by a corporate check within 10-14 business days.
There will be no refunds after you have checked in, for inclement weather, failure to follow the Rules & Regulations or disorderly conduct. Manager/Owner reserves the right to have discretion on all refunds.
Booking fees are not subject to refund.